
The Unbroken Tales: YA Fantasy | Exclusive Limited Editions

Created by Darci Cole

These YA Fantasy Retellings put a twist on beloved tales: gender-swapped Robin Hood, gender-swapped King Arthur, & queer Puss in Boots

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We Hit $8k!! AGAIN!!!
6 months ago – Thu, Mar 07, 2024 at 10:04:52 AM

Stretch Goals!

Y’all never cease to amaze me. I will admit to having a bit of a low moment last night after a couple of canceled pledges took us down, but you’ve brought us right back up and we’re doing just fine 🥰 I cannot even begin to express my gratitude to you all. This whole experience has been incredible.

Two Days!

Alright, we have two days left and every little bit counts, so I’m gonna ask for your help here.

Below, you’ll see some graphics for the campaign, and I would be ever so grateful if you could choose one or two to share on your social media pages today or tomorrow! Word-of-mouth is the best marketing for campaigns like ours, and if we all share today or tomorrow I bet we can get the stretch goal for that last pin!

If you want a graphic that says something specific, feel free to comment below and I’ll make you one!

ALSO: For every share I’m tagged in, you’ll be entered in a giveaway to receive a TARGET t-shirt of your choice!

A Note…

I just want to remind you all of the impetus for this campaign, in case those of you who are new to this you weren’t aware.

Back in October I reached out to my cover artist to get us started on the cover for book 3: CLEVER. I kept not hearing from them, and finally they got back to me saying that because CLEVER centers a queer romance, they weren’t comfortable making the art for it.

I was devastated. I’ve worked so hard to make this a solid story, and suddenly it wouldn’t have a cover. I debated trying to find someone who could match the two original covers for TARGET and SUMMON, but it felt wrong to keep those two when the artist had left such a bad feeling in me.

So I reached out to a few artists, eventually choosing Anna McEwan. Anna’s work is beautiful, and she’s such a sweet person to boot, so it was the best match I could’ve hoped for.

When Anna finished the artwork for TARGET’s cover, I cried. (Let’s be honest, I cried through the whole process.) seeing my characters on the covers meant so much to me, and knowing they’re made by a person who supports my goals means even more.

So, thank you all for supporting this endeavor! Getting this new artwork made is so important to me, and I cannot WAIT to make it into the beautiful deluxe editions we’re doing here!

Thank you all for your help. Only two more days, and then we can make all the amazing things.


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Cool Campaigns:

The Erlingue Trilogy is an epic fantasy adventure featuring royal rivalries, sibling bonds, and a daring wizard, all pitted against a rising evil. 

The Mark of Valliath campaign features illustrated dust-jacket editions for the Mark of Valliath Trilogy. Dragons, gryphons & elves galore!

Luxe’s Lullaby is a fast-paced, romantic fantasy trilogy full of witchy & fae magic, as well as adventure & steamy, slow burn, why choose romance. (Spicy!)

6 months ago – Wed, Mar 06, 2024 at 07:51:51 AM

I am crying in my car you guys! This is so exciting!!! We owe a special thanks to the latest backer (you know who you are, but let me know if you want a named shout-out) for adding just a little extra to their pledge to get us exactly to that $8,000 mark!

Each physical backer will now receive TWO PINS, one for TARGET and one for SUMMON!

We have three days left, I really think we could get to that final pin if we shout about it 👀

I’m gonna try to think of something special to do for you all as well, to make these final days worth working for. You all have been incredible, I’m so grateful for your support. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Quick Update!!!
6 months ago – Tue, Mar 05, 2024 at 12:33:17 PM

7.5 Reached!! Bow & Arrow pins unlocked!!!

Every physical backer will now receive a bow @ arrow pin with their swag!

These pins are solid metal and very sturdy, at one-inch they’re small enough to put on bags or lanyards but big enough to show awesome detail.

Now, you may have already noticed that I had planned on the next stretch goal to be the TARGET audiobook, but I’ve realized that (a) I can’t fulfill that by the time I want to get you all your rewards, and (b) it’s something I need to do anyway, not just because of a Kickstarter. So I’ve shifted a little, and the next two goals (which maybe we can meet by Saturday??) are for the other two pins for SUMMON and CLEVER!

The SUMMON pins were made for the release, and I’d of course love to make more. But I have not yet made pins for CLEVER, and I’d love to keep the set going!

So here’s where we stand!

Only four more days!!! Tell your fantasy and fairytale-retelling-loving friends to come join us!!!


$7,000 Stretch Goal Unlocked!!!
7 months ago – Mon, Mar 04, 2024 at 09:36:03 AM

Y’all are absolutely incredible. I don’t know how this has happened, but I’m sitting here grinning ear to ear because you just made my Monday seven thousand times better.

New Art Unlocked! 

So! First, you all get to vote on the character artwork you want!! I’ve put together a Google form for this, so when you have a moment go ahead and fill it out.

As a reminder, this artwork will be turned into vellum overlays for each physical backer, as well as being included in the digital art pack for digital backers.


Up Next…

Our next stretch goal is $7500 and will unlock a TARGET bow & arrow pin to go to all physical backers! These pins are ones I had made for TARGET’s original release, so there are only 50 in existence out in the world right now, and I’d love to make more for all of you.

I think that’s it for today!! We’ve only got five days left 😱 so make sure that by Saturday night you’ve added your add-ons and you’ve got everything in your pledge that you want!

ALSO, please remember these Deluxe Editions will each be signed and numbered. The ones made for this campaign are the only ones of their kind that will ever exist.

Thank you all!! I’ll once again leave you with a few awesome campaigns I’ve been hearing about, and I hope you’ll check them out as well!

Awesome Campaigns

The Frost & Shadows campaign is funding an audiobook format of this awesome contemporary YA Fantasy. 

Dark Tides is a fae fantasy meets Celtic mythology, and this omnibus looks beautiful with the sprayed edges and two covers to choose from! 

Once Upon Thyme is a campaign I’ve been eyeing myself for a while, and I finally backed it this morning. It’s a quirky retelling of a mashup of fairy tales, and I can’t wait to read it! 

See you soon, friends! Let’s hope this week is an awesome one! 
